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Mechelle Flippo

Art Has a Voice...

I read an article the other day about how art helps some people show their emotions. It was an interesting read, but I have a different perspective. I have long been a people pleaser, a fixer and a humorist. When other people are having a tough time with emotions, I usually know just what to say or do to help them realize a solution or help them understand why they are feeling the way they do. A few scenarios, a few words or scriptures/quotes can do wonders in opening the door to new perspectives. I use humor to let my friends know that an issue is not worth the stress and focus being given to their problem. I am not perfect, but to use some modern slang, "I could talk most people off a ledge" with ease. You could ask my friends, family, and co-workers and they would agree. I have been this way all my life. However, when it comes to MY emotions and MY need to express myself, I cannot get out of my own way and heed the advice I would give to others. I have found that this abstract art form allows me to give my emotions a VOICE! A voice that shows a wide range and depth of emotion. Sometimes I look at a piece that I have created out of fear or anger and can remember exactly how I was feeling. That helps me to remember that life has gotten better and that I was able to move on. Other times, I look at a piece and cannot remember how I was feeling...this comes in handy during those times if a piece was created in an extremely emotional phase. No one likes to relive those times. My point is this...When you look at art, genuinely look at it, clear your mind and feel. You may just hear what the artist is saying!

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